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Presentations, TedX Talks & Voice Training including Clinical Viva Exams Preparation by Voice, Presentations & Performance Training Specialist Clayon Sinclair.
Are you getting passed over with job opportunities because of your accent or poor communication skills?
For many doctors, nurses, teachers, sales people and other professionals, having to repeat themselves over and over and wonder if the other person really understood them — or was just too polite to say anything can be frustrating and even quite embarrassing.
Whilst you are proud of your background and culture, you want to be able to fit in and feel at home with the English speaking culture where you now live. You are intelligent well educated and hard working but you can’t always get your point across clearly. And fear because of this you may missing out on getting that perfect job or promotion. You may be a doctor who is finding it difficult to pass your OSCE exams.
There are two elements to all accents:- pronunciation and intonation. Usually we bring the speech melody and rhythm from our first language to the others and that together with inexact pronunciation causes problems with being understood particularly over the phone. To overcome these issues, Clayton coaches you in person or over Skype (which most clients really like because they can do it from the privacy of home which saves on time and travel). Clayton gives notes and a recording of each lesson so clients can practice between classes.
Most clients have one class per week and continue until they reach the level with which they are happy. Many have told Clayton that the classes for them have been life changing.
Call Clayton directly, today, for a friendly free assessment on how best to help you.
Read Speech Trainer Clayton Sinclair's latest articles on improving public speaking skills, confident executive speaking training courses and workshops in Melbourne, and voice performance)