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Presentations, TedX Talks & Voice Training including Clinical Viva Exams Preparation by Voice, Presentations & Performance Training Specialist Clayon Sinclair.
Presentation Speech Training and Voice Coaching can help you make a more memorable impression at conferences, business meetings, media interviews, and other events.
Want your leadership style, presentation skills or business pitch to have more IMPACT?
Or perhaps you're nervous about your upcoming clinical viva exam?
Don't let your voice get in your way. ​
You can train your voice and improve your speaking confidence with sessions with Director Clayton Sinclair, who offers speech confidence coaching and presentation skills training for executives, entrepreneurs and sales teams; and preparation and performance training for Clinical VIVA Exams.
Attend Voice Training & Presentation Delivery Training Sessions in person OR via Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp or Facetime.
Voice Coaching and Speech Training: Benefits
Confident, Clear and Calm Speaking
Media Engagement Skills
Entertaining Presentation Styles
Reduced Anxiety
Topic Authority and Content Tweaks
Highly effective methods and voice coaching including:
Keynote Speaking
Board Presentations
Public Speaking
Media Interviews
Annual Meeting Presentations
Clinical Viva Exam Preparation
Exam Preparation Coaching for Interns (Medical Practitioners/Surgeons)
Speech and Voice Training: Impacts of your voice on your audience
Many executives, sales teams, interns and medical practitioners remain unaware of the significant impact their voice has on having an impact during sales calls, business meetings, AGMs and keynote presentations.
We can help you gain confident speech patterns and calm and clear communication skills. ​
Does your communication style have an impact on reaching your KPIs, leading others, or communicating with patients or clients?
Do you have issues with CLARITY when delivering important messages to your team or to the public?
Are you heard and fully understood the FIRST TIME you say something?
Would you like to have a clear, confident public speaking approach including for media interviews?
Do you want to become known for your expertise or topic authority, but need public speaking coaching?
Are you often nervous speaking to larger audiences?
Are you scheduling your Clinical Viva Exam and need preparation help or exam confidence support from a voice training specialist?
Do you want to prepare for a TedX presentation?
Do you need help writing a succinct yet powerful TedX TALK script?
Are you in a senior management or leadership role?
Do you work in a commission-based sales position?
Are you in a senior management or leadership role?
Do you work in a commission-based sales position?
We offer voice performance, presentation, leadership and communication coaching.
Executive Speaking Training available in-person or on-line.
Also offering Accent Reduction so you're better understood by multi-cultural audiences.
Latest articles for improving executive speech, confident speaking and presentation skills (vocal performance).
Public Speaking Training, Executive Presentations, Key Note Speaker Coaching and Confident Speech Training.
Use the POWER OF YOUR VOICE to Portray Greater Confidence and Positively Impact your Audience.
Speak more confidently to improve your leadership, communication, authority and sales success.
Need to improve your PUBLIC SPEAKING skills?
Want to improve your voice performance for business, stage or keynote speeches?
Under the direction of Clayton Sinclair, one of the industry's leading Voice and Presentation Coaching professionals, we offer outstanding coaching to professionals on how to structure, prepare for, and deliver more powerful and authentic, personal performance for any corporate communication needs.
Utilising his vast experience in corporate television production and direction, Clayton Sinclair is a voice, presentation/performance coach, film director and accent reduction specialist, with over 25 years experience assisting professionals to speak more clearly and confidently and deliver more authentic and high-impact presentations.
Voice Power & Development
Individual Training​ ONLINE or IN PERSON
Group Training​​ and Keynote Speaking
Voice Power & Presentation Development
Intonation Training - impact your audience
Individual Training - leadership & authority
Pronunciation of Medical Terminology
Voice Power & Development
Presentations Skills & Development
Individual & Group Training​